A comparison of mining and school risk management – Precious metals vs. precious kids

I spent the last couple of decades working in the mining industry for a software company that was used for mine design and planning. Every decision the engineer or geologist made came with the same challenge we all face every day managing our risk whether we realize it or not. In mining, it was known as the Factor of Safety and is the multiple from ideal conditions to actual design. This factor is a balancing act between risk and the extra cost often necessary. This extra cost is usually measured in the millions of dollars when it comes to mining.

I have spent my first couple months at Alpha Recon as Director of Customer Success focusing on risk management. I have come to realize that although Alpha Recon is a far cry from what I am used to, the concept is the same. In mining, it was having designs that are safe and avoid catastrophic failures like pit wall failures and underground collapses. Now with Alpha Recon, this means schools making sure their kids have a safe environment to learn and engage with other students. In both cases, intelligence and data are key to successfully mitigating the many risks associated with each.

As a parent of a high school kid of my own, I must balance my own level of risk that my wife, son and I are willing to take. This is even more true today as we face increased school violence, a global pandemic and civil unrest in much of the country. It is assuring to know there is a lot of great technology out there being utilized to quickly gather the data that is needed to help us make these important decisions.

Risk is everywhere and we must take steps to manage our exposure as things move forward, whether this means protecting our precious metals or precious kids. I look forward to working with all the Alpha Recon customers across schools, businesses, government and other industries as we navigate the months ahead.

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