
To create a technology company that not only helps companies and individuals from around the world to understand, predict, and manage all the threats they face every day but also a company that creates innovation, efficiency, and the purest applications of data science.

Alpha Recon strives to provide a workplace for all walks of life and to create an environment of career development and personal growth through challenges and success. Given the Veteran roots of the leadership and culture, we move quickly and directly toward our company goals with planning, leadership, intelligence, teamwork, and effective communication, limiting excuses and poor performance with solutions and positive ways forward. We seek to tap into all our individual skills and experiences to create special technology capabilities built from a love of this world and all of the people in it. Our software follows the principles of security risk management, sound intelligence tactics, threat/risk assessment, and emerging data science. Alpha Recon seeks to be a leader in risk intelligence and strategic security risk management software to be used by everyone and developed by people who care.

Core Values

  • Personal and Organizational Responsibility
  • Teamwork
  • Effective and regular communication
  • Team ownership and leadership
  • Fairness and Integrity
  • Equality
  • Passion
  • Growth
  • Sacrifice
  • Quality and Reliability